The National:

This week's Behind the Headlines comes from managing editor Stewart Ward – to receive this newsletter direct to your inbox every week, click here to sign up.

THE National’s recent online subscription offer was a major success – and we’re already turning that support into the kind of journalism that our readers have asked for.

This Sunday, we’re excited to launch a new series in collaboration with The Ferret. The title is Solutions For Scotland.

In your Sunday National and on the cover of our Seven Days broadsheet supplement, we’ll be joining forces to deliver a series of packages that sets out answers – from housing to health to the arts.

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There’s an epidemic of talking Scotland down. Call it the Scottish Cringe or call it a desperate attempt to maintain the Union. We’ve all seen it.

At The National, we make a point of shouting out Scottish success stories.

But there’s a balance to be struck. Because we’re a newspaper that is interested in seeing a thriving, independent Scotland, this is also a space that’s ideal for those debates about what changes we can make.

And that’s what this series will do. Solutions For Scotland identifies areas where Scotland needs to see a shift and presents tangible ways that can happen.

READ MORE: A new approach to housing in Scotland could stop evictions

The Ferret is made up of a top-notch group of investigative journalists and regular Sunday National readers are well familiar with their copy, as it’s been a regular feature since our launch.

This new partnership takes that up a notch. We want to arm our readers with the facts – creating a space for informed debate.

It can only strengthen the independence movement because where is the opposite happening? Where is the serious discussion about what can change with the Union to deliver for Scotland? If Gordon Brown makes some recommendations and no-one is around to read them, do they make a sound?

The National:

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So, pick up your Sunday National this weekend and enjoy the first in our Solutions For Scotland series.