It was two weeks before Christmas and this amazing story is quite true.

I was in Booths at the checkout paying for my shopping - £27.75.

We were counting out the small change from my purse and much to my embarrassment, I was £2.75 short.

Turning to the young lady behind me I apologised for keeping her waiting.

There is no rush, she said, as I continued to pack my goods, after telling the cashier to have a few items put back on the shelves.

He asked me to hold out my hand and he put the coins back in my hands, then my receipt and the £25 in notes.

“That should go in the till” I said, very perplexed.

He nodded to the lady, raising his eyes heavenwards.

“Oh no, no, you mustn’t do this”. I said in confusion, but all she said again, was “Happy Christmas”.

My eyes full of tears, I was so moved. I laid a hand on her arm and all I could manage was “Thank you, God Bless you and Happy Christmas”.

In all my 80-plus years I have never been shown such kindness and generosity, and from a complete stranger.

I only hope I see a need in another and can respond in a similar way to an unknown stranger and pass this love on, one day.

Joyce Smyly, Holy Trinity Church, Brathay