As we approach Mothering Sunday our thoughts go to mothers around the world, some of whom struggle to find the wherewithal to feed and cloth their children.

This is why the Mothers’ Union in its ‘Make a Mothers’ Day’ initiative encourages us to buy practical gifts to help fund clean water, food and shelter and safer childbirth, all of which we so readily take for granted.

Those of us blessed with loving mothers perhaps think of the care they gave us in good times and in bad, their love for us even when we fell short of their hopes and prayers, their readiness to find time for us even when hard-pressed and their anxiety if we strayed either physically or morally.

Mary, Mother of Jesus, was in many ways no different. She had motherhood thrust upon her at a very early age but despite her fears she responded positively to God’s demands: “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said”.

She showed any mother’s anxiety when her son went alone into the temple and she and Joseph couldn’t find him, she had to be prepared to remain in the background when he was teaching and ministering to others and she had to bear the unspeakable pain of seeing him put to death upon the cross.

Yes, Mary was a real mother and God knew he was choosing well when he placed upon her the awesome task of bearing his Son. We give thanks for her life and witness.

Shirley Paynes, St. George’s Church, Kendal