Last July we moved to Kendal. As we have gradually settled we have met new experiences and new people.

Old comfort zones no longer apply so it’s been a time of learning and discovery. Not just of the area and its various delights but also of people and the challenges and pressures that many face.

When such changes come we can put up the defences and try to carry on in our own worlds, but Jesus calls us to engage with others, to be concerned for and with them.

How many opportunities there are for us all to develop such concern by action both within the South Lakes area and further afield – as individuals and families, through churches and voluntary groups, and in some cases through our work?

Nor should this concern be restricted to this area or even our own country.

Human concern and Christian compassion require it to be global.

Last year a stock question to us from long-term residents was: ‘Are you used to rain?’! If our move to the Lakes had been this July we would have wondered why!

As it is, the recent experience of the weather can give us all a small insight into the needs of those who regularly face extremely high temperatures and shortage of rain.

We are fortunate in so many ways; we can easily take much for granted.

Much is expected from those who have been given much. Jesus does not invite us to stay in our own comfort zones but to be actively concerned for others across the globe – through prayer, financial support and practical involvement.

Michael Hunter, Kendal Parish Church