There is nothing worse than running late in the morning. It sets the tone for the rest of the day – for you and the rest of the family. The rushing about, being short tempered and stressing out leaves you feeling guilty as you walk away from your children’s childcare setting.

The key to making the school run marvellous is being super organised:

1. Plan in advance and be meticulous about reading letters or emails from school - they keep you informed about trips and projects your little ones will have over the coming months.

2. Involve your children with the planning of the next term or half term – let them record on the family calendar what they have coming up and need to prepare for.

3. Think about packed lunches in advance. Ak your children to make a list of what they would like to have in their packed lunches – shop together for the contents and encourage your little ones to create a balanced lunch box for each day.

4. Encourage your children to have their school bags by the door the night before in order to reduce the chances of forgetting what is needed for the following day.

5. Agree a time for family members to gather at the front door in the morning ready to leave.

Inevitably there will be days when the ‘wheel comes off’. Be gentle with yourself at times like this and resolve to improving things for the following day. Celebrate when everything goes smoothly and praise your little ones for playing their part in your family team!

NEXT WEEK: Love - building your baby’s brain
