FARMERS across the district have been left fearing the worst following an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Surrey, reports Lisa Higginson.

Just six years after the disease devastated the area's farming and tourism industries, a national ban on the movement of all livestock throughout England, Scotland and Wales has been imposed, leaving local auction marts and abattoirs silent and forcing a number of agricultural shows to cancel.

The virus, which is said to be close to the strain that was isolated in Britain's 1967 foot and mouth outbreak, was confirmed at a farm near Guildford on Friday (August 3) and, following a cull of 38 cattle from the infected premises and two neighbouring premises, a further herd of cattle on a separate site was slaughtered on Monday on suspicion of foot-and-mouth, which was later confirmed.

The Health and Safety Executive has launched an investigation at the Institute for Animal Health and Merial Animal Health Ltd, who share the Pirbright site close to the infected premises.

Around 111,000 farms across the UK have been affected by the movement ban, which is set to continue for a number of days.

For a detailed report on the latest situation, don't miss The Westmorland Gazette, out on Friday.