HAVING to leave our children in someone else’s care can be a heart wrenching affair.

Even if they don’t cry when you leave them you can’t help thinking about how they are getting on, as well as constantly checking your phone for reassurance that all is well.

The key to ensuring your child develops confidence when you are away from them is to start early.

If you can access parent and baby groups they are a great way to get your little one used to new environments with the noise and busyness they provide.

This will provide an opportunity for you to be in the same room though your little one will be surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

• When you start planning for childcare short periods of time away from you will build up your little one’s confidence.

• Visit the setting with them a couple of times before your little one starts to attend.

• Leaving something that has your aroma on it will help to reassure your child. You can ask a toddler to keep it safe for you for when you return.

• Talk to your child about what will happen explain what you will be doing when you are away from them. Show excitement for the new environment they will be staying in whilst away from you. Point out things that you know they will particularly enjoy doing in while at the childcare setting.

• Be guided by the professionals you are leaving your little one with – this will not be an unusual situation for them, they will know how to support your child.

See: www.parentandbabycoach.co.uk

NEXT WEEK: Clinginess