THE start of any new year offers an opportunity to make positive changes, this applies to aspects of family life too. Going back to basics and remembering what is important can help you make positive changes:

Remember to work as a team - bringing up a family is easier when all care givers support each other and agree on how to manage misbehaviour. Children need the adults around them to be in charge. If there is behaviour in the family that you would like to see less of, make a plan, stick to it, and give each other support whilst managing the misbehaviour. Strange as it may seem a child feels more secure when there are agreed boundaries and family rules to observe.

Avoid arguing in front of your children - if there is something that you strongly disagree about with your partner or other care givers, try to discuss it when children are in bed or out of the house. Children are very sensitive and can pick up on bad atmospheres very easily. Hearing caregivers argue can encourage children to feel insecure.

Get support - Everyone needs help and support throughout their journey as a parent or caregiver. This can come from family, friends and neighbours.

All parents need some time away from their children, this is quite healthy and normal.

Providing time your children spend away from you is a positive experience for them, then take this opportunity to have a break - you have needs as a parent too!


Next week: Treating your children the way you want to be treated.