Congratulations to the students of The Queen Katherine School,Kendal on their efforts to raise funds for the Blood Bikes (Gazette, May 16, 'School's donation to bikers').

This is a very worthy local charity and I wonder if the present pupils know that Russell Curwen, who died while carrying out his duties on behalf of Blood Bikes, was one of the year 7 intake to QKS in 1980.

This was the first intake to QKS following the change in Kendal to comprehensive education and I was privileged to be their year head for five years.

All this year group have reached their 50th birthdays this academic year and will be holding a reunion on June 22 at 7.30pm at the Shakespeare hotel in Kendal.

We will be remembering all those who cannot be there like Russell and hopefully making a donation to be added to the recent one made by current students.

Ruth Otway
