LAST year with Giles Archibald I met members of our local communities to discuss the growing concerns about climate change and its consequences.

Based on your suggestions, we developed a plan under the banners of 'Inform, Influence and Implement'. Since then the council has unanimously declared a climate emergency and we have been working hard to put the plan into action.

So here we are a year later and how different things are; now everybody is talking about climate change and it is the perfect time to repeat these meetings.

We want to talk about how things have moved on in the interim 12 months and how we can work together to tackle climate change and bio-diversity loss. Called ‘Climate Conversations’ we want to hear your ideas and suggestions and tell you more about what South Lakeland District Council is doing and plan to do in the future and how we can work together to achieve our goals.

It is clear that we can’t continue with ‘business as usual’. However, we can be part of the solution.

If you are interested in attending any of our Climate Conversations, find us during July at:

9th at Kendal Town Hall Assembly Room 7pm

11th at Ulverston Coronation Hall 7pm

16th at Grange Victoria Hall 7pm

17th at Marchesi Centre Windermere 7pm

24th at Kirby Lonsdale Lunsedale Hall 7pm

Cllr Dyan Jones

Climate Emergency and Localism Portfolio

South Lakeland District Council