Q I keep getting dry and sore lips – please can you give me some advice to help them?
A. Dry and chapped or sore lips are a common problem, especially during hot or cold weather. 
There are a number of things you can try yourself that may help.
You can use a lip balm containing petroleum jelly or beeswax – you can buy these at a pharmacy or supermarket – these can really help keep the lips moisturised. 
Try a few different lip balms if one isn't working for you – some people may be sensitive to some fragrances or ingredients that some balms contain.
Always wash your hands before applying lip balm and particularly during the summer or if you are going somewhere with hot weather.
I’d recommend using a balm with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more.
Try to cover your lips with a scarf when you're outside in cold weather and make sure you drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated. 
Whether you are out in hot or cold weather this can be a problem.
Please do not pick or bite any flaky skin on your lips – this can slow down healing and don’t keep licking dry or cracked lips. 
While this action seems natural and something which should make them feel better – it is quite temporary and can make them even more sore.
There are many lip balms or salves on sale, but you could make your own with natural ingredients such as coconut oil, bees or soy wax and essential oil.
Always remember, do not share lip balms, it could spreads germs and make the lips worse, rather than better.