Q. I'm getting stressed about Christmas. The entire family are coming - and I'm worried what they'll do if they don't enjoy themselves. Please can you help me?

A. A lot of people get stressed at this time of year, it is very common. However, please remember - Christmas is just one day.

I do have some steps you can take to manage your stress levels.

Stressfulness is something we can all relate to – and caring for yourself is one of the kindest things you can do.

Your family will enjoy the day much more if you are not stressed - remember they are coming to see you - not be wowed by fantastic food and entertainment.

So yes, enjoy the day - but do not stress yourself out by worrying if everyone will be enjoying themselves, and certainly do not spend so much that it causes you worry.

You also need to look after your mental health to enjoy the Christmas period.

Try to rest in the run-up to Christmas.

A good night’s sleep is as essential to our health and wellbeing as eating healthily and exercising so try to get the recommended 7-8 hours a night.

And, finally stop!

These days we have such busy lives that we sometimes forget to slow down and stop.

Find time in your day to just quieten your mind.

Enjoy life and enjoy the festive period.