SUDDENLY the whole world is in turmoil.

It would seem very trivial just now to talk about anything other than the loss of life, suffering, hardships, and the dramatic changes to our lives that Covid-19 has inflicted upon us.

Its effects are far-reaching and will continue for a long time to come.

It can test our faith in God; our Church promoted a Worldwide Fast on Good Friday.

We also need faith in those people around us, a vital connection in these times.

There is a line in the play about apartheid, ‘Sizwe Bansi is Dead’ where one of the lead characters cries desperately,

“Who cares for who in this world, brother?”

How would we answer that?

How do we care?

We have been blessed to see at first hand the great sacrifices of the NHS staff and carers as they strive to alleviate the suffering of their patients.

Additionally, the selfless acts of friends, neighbours and families who have risen to the task of providing that needful caring in our communities.

One of our Church leaders wrote, “We strongly reject the notion that our lives are all about ourselves. Rather we follow the Saviour, who said, “Whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister, and whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.”

Even in self-isolating we can still care for others using the technology available, or by making a simple phone-call.

Mike Humphreys,

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.