DUE to current restrictions, the recent meeting of the Parish Council was held in the car park of the Memorial Hall with members sitting well apart from each other and in a circle.

MANY people are enjoying the church services provided online and by the BBC.

The services from St. Thomas's and from the Two Valleys are both available on Facebook and You-tube. In due course it is planned to be able to resume services in church with safety precautions in place.

WHILST the Memorial Hall has been closed the floor has been re-treated, the chairs cleaned, and the lighting improved.

When it is felt appropriate and everything can be made as safe as possible, then we look forward to the Hall being back in use.

ON the first Tuesday in the month there is a regular drop-in session at the church for coffee and chat. For the past few months this has been held "virtually" on Zoom.

It has been a good occasion to catch up and has been enjoyed by those taking part.