CORONAVIRUS put paid to the usual way of doing things for this year’s Ingleton Gala, but determined that Ingleton should not miss out on yet another event, the Gala Committee, Pippa Scott, Liz Holman, Sarah Procter, Helen Wilson, Beryl Morphet and Kelly Robinson put their socially distanced heads together and the Ingleton Garden Gala was born.

Local residents were asked to decorate their gardens and windows and enjoy a Gala at their own homes. A parade was put together with people in bubbles or family members and taken round the village for residents to enjoy.

Pippa Scott and David Sharrod encouraged residents to join in with the singing and dancing, joining the in with the parade was the 2019 Gala Queen Caitlin Ellershaw, the local Scout Group, Dr and Laraine Sullivan and Bob Harrison.

On route the committee watched out for the fabulous window displays and fancy-dress costumes that our ever-resourceful residents had created.

Afternoon teas and picnics could be purchased from local businesses; Pens Pantry, la Cascada, Bernie’s Café or Curlew Crafts and cakes could be purchased through the committee lovingly made by the Ingleborough WI.

Later in the day, the raffle was drawn, and quizzes were held over social media to help keep the villagers entertained.

The winners of the fancy dress were then announced through the Gala social media pages. The winner of the children’s fancy dress went to The Horner twins for ‘Peter Pan’ best adult went to Jessica Tyrie-Mueller for her ‘duck’ and best decorated house went to ‘Beech Terrace’.

A fantastic sum of £1338.35 was raised for village funds.