Since the beginning of history mankind has worked hard to keep God in his place, to make sure that he operates within the boundaries we set for Him.

We keep Him in a box and just take him out whenever we think we need Him.

In this way we can keep control of our lives and destinies and not be troubled by someone who, if we didn’t restrain him, might take the reins and guide us in ways that we presume we might not want to go.

What happened on that first Easter is the supreme demonstration that God cannot be kept in a box.

After a life of self-giving service to the weak, to the helpless, to the poor and to the marginalised, Jesus was cruelly and agonisingly tortured, then crucified and buried in a tomb sealed with a large stone.

But not even death was strong enough to contain him.

After three days - enough time to show that he really was dead - Jesus Christ, God’s son broke out of the box and walked the earth again.

Right now he is living his life in those who are truly His

disciples and one day he will return again to rule the whole world.

Is this another flight of religious fantasy?

Ask someone who knows this Jesus personally and

daily walks in friendship and companionship with him.

Colin Greaves

Cumbria Prayer Net