HERE are the latest announcements from our community news correspondent Myra McCraith for Grasmere.

A record number, 438 people were vaccinated at the Village Hall on Saturday.

Despite some delays due to internet connection problems, everyone remained in good spirits and very grateful to the hardworking team of volunteers and pharmacy staff for providing this excellent service.

KNIT and Nat meet on the second and fourth Tuesday each month (May 11 and 25, 3pm on Zoom).

For an invitation, please contact Christine on 35537.

THE WI's regular Cheerful Chats on Zoom have allowed members to meet online every Thursday for more than a year.

Now that friends can meet in groups of 6 outdoors, visits and walks will also be planned for some Thursdays.

Some members will meet today for a walk around the gardens at Holehird (Thursday, May 6, 2pm).

The monthly formal meeting will take place on Zoom next week, when professional speaker Bill Powell will enlighten and entertain with his Ramblings of a Tour Manager: a reminder of travels in exotic places and holidays that don't always go to plan (Thursday, May 13, 2pm).

DOVE Cottage remains closed until mid-May, but the garden, woodland and cafe are open to visitors without pre-booking (Saturday - Wednesday, 10.30am -4pm).

Poetry events remain online via Zoom, and Little Wanderers in the Woodland will encourage young children to be creative and playful outdoors (Fridays, advance booking essential).

For further information see

ALLAN Bank grounds have reopened (on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) but the house remains closed.

Local residents may apply for a free garden pass on proof of address.

To book entry to the grounds, and for information about when the house will reopen, please see