THE county council said repairs were due to take place along a South Lakeland road after a man highlighted large potholes along the stretch.

Christopher Smith compared the condition of Dobby Lane to the bed of a stream and criticised the council’s commitment to road maintenance.

He frequents the road, located at Crook, in his pickup truck but said the potholes were so big that it had been impossible for him to avoid them.

“If a cyclist hit one of those potholes they’d be in real danger,” said Mr Smith, who lives in the Lyth Valley.

“We pay our taxes but nothing gets done.

“We seem to pay more and more, but less and less gets done.

“I think last year they came and put a bit of tarmac in a couple of them but it soon came out again. It didn’t last five minutes.”

Mr Smith said he sent images of the potholes to the county council which, he said, told him it was looking into it.

A concerned member of the public appeared to take matters into their own hands by erecting a sign along the road saying ‘beware - deep potholes’.

CAUTION: The sign along Dobby Lane

CAUTION: The sign along Dobby Lane

After being contacted by The Westmorland Gazette, a Cumbria County Council spokesman said on Tuesday: “Arrangements have been made for the pothole repairs to be undertaken tomorrow.”

Afterwards, Mr Smith said: “If they’re going to do it then fine, that’s what we want to hear isn’t it.

“But it’s taken an awful long while. Nothing’s happened for months.

“There’s potholes all over the place. That’s the worst incident but there’s potholes all over Crosthwaite.

“There’s potholes here there and everywhere, they’re all getting bad, they’re getting worse by the week.

“I think the council need somebody going round with a big stick. They just don’t seem to get anything done.”