DOZENS of climate activists from Cumbria have descended on London to take part in two weeks of campaigning and warned: "There's no other way."

Protest group Extinction Rebellion is carrying out The Impossible Rebellion to draw attention to the climate crisis and force the Government to take action.

Katie Begley, an architect from Kendal, said acts of civil disobedience - such as roads being blocked - were being undertaken as a 'last resort'.

"We’ve tried asking the Government politely to act on the climate crisis but it hasn’t worked, so we’re left with no other choice," said Ms Begley, 33.

"Speaking as an architect, we need the Government to legislate for, and fund, all buildings, new and old, to be more energy efficient."

The protests have moved into their second day and participants have set up a giant pink table, which is blocking traffic, at Covent Garden.

“The scientists tell us we have to act with extreme urgency if we’re to avoid the most catastrophic consequences of man-made global heating," said Mark Arrowsmith, a teacher from Kendal.

"They’re missing nearly all of their own climate targets, and all they can advise us to do is to rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher!

"It’s their duty to protect us as citizens, and they’re not doing that.

"That means we’re heading for disaster.

"So we’re here, once again, on the streets of the capital, to force the government to act.

"There’s no other way.”

The protests came weeks after a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which said human activity had caused unprecedented and, in some ways, irreversible change to the climate.