A WOMEN who donated her kidney in a 'miracle' matching has received praise across social media. 

Pastoral counsellor, Carol Roy, 44, from Ulverston has donated her kidney to Lyn Tamblyn-Watt, a fellow member of Emmanuel Christian Centre

Lyn, 64, from South Africa, was undergoing dialysis three times a week when Carol decided to give away one of her organs.

Carol’s husband, senior minister and chaplain Reverend Darren Roy, 44, said the matching was considered by doctors as a ‘miracle’ considering they are from the other side of the world.

Since the story, Carol has received praise across social media for her 'selfless' act.

Chantelle Graham said: "Aww Carol Roy this is incredible and doesn't surprise me at all that you do something so selfless and caring!"

HarriOli said: "This is a lovely story and raises an important subject. I guess the husband is proud of her and, God bless him, so he should be.

"Well done to the donor and all those who do so."

Duncan Mills said: "Well done that lady."

Lesley Sedgwick Fursey said: "What an amazing lady! Giving a kidney like that."

Janet Bury said: "Fantastic. My friend Dawn has done the same for her partner."

Alev Stoller said: "Carol is an amazing lady. So kind."

Yvonne Ivison said: "Amazing, best gift anyone can give! My sister Deborah Devereux donated to me, forever grateful to her. These kidney donors are heroes!"

DrD77 said: "It's a personal choice. And a brave one."

Lynne Ashton said: "Well done Carol, there is no better feeling than being a match I did the same for my hubby 18 months ago. Keep well don't do too much x"

Furness Abbot simply said: "Well done."

Rebekah Rosalind Hill said: "You are both Amazing! Praise Jesus."

Danni Gee said: "Donates a kidney AND wears the gear of 'The Doctor'. 

"She's an angel and a legend."

Frank Kendall said: "In my opinion, this lady is an angel well done."

Darren Mein Roy said: "You are all amazing. Such a kind thing to do. And all those who donate to complete strangers."