CONISTON Mountain Rescue Team were called out to a walker who had twisted his knee.

The team were alerted to the casualty - who was located on the Old Man of Coniston at 2.29pm on Sunday, April 17, by the North West Ambulance Service. 

A spokesman for CMRT said: "Perfect weather for Easter Sunday in the Lakes, but a young man twisted his knee on the main path up the mountain, some 200 metres from the top. With help from friends, he tried to continue but reached a point where the knee would not bear weight.

"North West Ambulance Service asked us to help, and we initially despatched two Land Rovers to Bursting Stone quarry, and then walked up.

"The casualty was assessed, given pain relief, splinted and then carried down on our stretcher to our relocated Land Rovers. We had moved them to the High Brandy Crag track for an easier extraction. He was then driven to our base where he was transferred to his own car and driven by his partner to Furness General Hospital for further treatment.

"17 volunteer members attended for 2 hour and 50 minutes."