KENDAL Town Council has set down a course of action for the proposed new pump track in the town.

Councillor Eamonn Hennessey, chair of KTC's Environment and Highways Committee, has been a strong advocate for the town to have a pump track, a bike track allowing downhill mountain bike enthusiasts and BMX riders to make a circuit of humps and bumps, using the gravity designed into the track.

Cllr Hennessey said the track would provide a much-needed facility for older children and teenagers, but that it will likely have to be taken up by the new council.

"It was agreed that we continue to support and begin to engage with the relevant councillors on Westmorland and Furness Authority as it will likely progress to some form of planning process under their control rather than SLDC," he said.

"We will also help set up a small community-based group of interested individuals via the Facebook page.

"This group will oversee such things as fundraising, design and help with consultation and information."