DALLAM School has congratulated its students after receiving their A-level results.

Their pupils have achieved another year of high marks which has paved the way toward a bright future in further education.

Some of those students who found success were Eban Cole (A*, A*, B) Benjamin Grecic (A*, A, A) Angus Knight (A, A, A, A) Lucy Rowe (A, A, A) Maya Schofield (A, A, B).

The school has long been celebrated as one of the best schools in the area and is part of the South Westmorland Multi-Academy Trust.

The school’s history dates to 1613 when the old Heversham Grammar School was founded, which was merged with Milnthorpe Secondary School in 1984 to become Dallam School.

Headteacher Rachael Williams said: “Cumbrian schools are proud to serve our children, their families, and the communities they come from.

“Over the last two years due to the Covid19 pandemic this, for sustained periods, has been a trying time for both students and staff.

“The achievements of the students are all the more special given the challenges they faced while studying over the last two years.

“We congratulate them all on the manner in which they have coped in these quite extraordinary times.”

“The majority of students will be pleased with their results and will have the keys to go onto to their anticipated destinations in September.

“Their results reflect their hard work, their dedication and the support they received from their teachers and families.”

“The adaptations to the exam series this year have allowed for the students to take their exams in a manner as close to a normal year as possible.

“Whilst these changes were not always ideal, the students should be rightly proud of their grades and should in no way think they are diminished by the small number of changes they were afforded.”

“It is only right that we recognise that the variability in how students and schools were affected by Covid-19 means that any meaningful comparison between schools is simply inappropriate.

"It is for this reason that we would caution against such comparisons and instead encourage everyone to focus on the success of our students and celebrate their achievements as individuals with their own story to tell.”

“We congratulate all the young people on their achievements today and wish them all every success in the future.”

Ms Williams added: “Our students, the children of our wonderful county and schools are also more than the sum of their grades and so today we want to celebrate the individuals who have shone for all sorts of reasons.”