Lancaster University is offering a new series of day schools for the public, starting in April 2008. Each day school offers the unique opportunity to hear from experts on a wide range of subjects.

Topics include Saint George: Saint and Symbol, exploring who Saint George really was and the legends that grew up around him, Creating a Sense of Place: Location in Creative Writing, a superb opportunity to hear from six local authors, Puccini: 75 Years On, a fascinating day exploring the composer's wonderful orchestral music, Early Medieval Britain examining the shadowy Celtic Kingdoms of the North, and Music For Summer, a lively day of music appreciation with an optional evening concert performed by the award-winning Skipton Camerata orchestra at Lancaster Cathedral.

The series starts with the Secret Life of Birds on April 4, with distinguished ecologists and ornithologists Dr Kevin Briggs, Dr Ian Hartley and John Wilson exploring some little known aspects of bird life.

Day schools are open to all, take place at Lancaster University, 10am to 4pm and cost £37 each (including morning and afternoon refreshments). For more information, contact the Department of Continuing Education today on 01524 592623/4.