SCHOOLS in Cumbria are being offered an opportunity to learn how to attract more pupils.

A seminar is to be held, in Manchester, on Wednesday, April 30, aimed at teachers responsible for producing their school's prospectus.

The seminar will show how they can more effectively entice parents to send their children to learn at a particular school.

Paul Semple, a marketing consultant who is running the seminar, said: "For many local schools in the North West, in the state and private sector, the school prospectus is a critical piece of marketing literature. Get it right and you have a flood of eager parents beating a path to your door. Get it wrong and you could damage the reputation of your school for years to come.

"This seminar will bring together staff with responsibility for managing the production of this vital marketing tool. We will consider best practice from some of the UK's top schools. Participants will go away with a tool box of hints and tips to help them maximise the impact of their own publication and get a competitive edge over neighbouring schools."

More information is available from Paul Semple on 01722 744033.