A CUB Scout from Keswick has been mummified' in Penrith.

Sam Cook, aged 8, was part of a group of Cubs who were the first to sample the new Ancient Egyptian Workshop at the Rheged Centre.

The workshop included a chance to act out the Egyptian death ceremony.

Sam played the part of deceased boy-king, Tutankhamen, while fellow Cub, Georgia Bell, aged 8, volunteered to be Chief Embalmer, the god Anubis.

The ceremony involved acting out the gruesome task of removing the brain and vital organs, stuffing the body with sawdust and linen, bearing a wig and finally being wrapped in layers of linen bandages.

Rheged's education assistant, Laura Smith, led the educational session, which also involved making a sarcophagus, investigating replica artefacts such as amulets and papyrus, drawing hieroglyphics and watching a film about the Egyptian Empire.

Group Scout leader, Claudia Walker, said: "Our group have had a great day, with practical learning plus the experience of seeing the film, Mysteries of Egypt, on the giant screen. These workshops are really good quality and provide a basis for our future activities."

The workshops are aimed at children of Primary School age who are studying Ancient Egyptians, which forms a major part of the National Curriculum.

For further information about events, films, concerts and educational programmes at Rheged, visit www.rheged.com