READERS have thanked a man that prevented a horse from being shot.

15-year-old Clydesdale horse, Freda, from Larkrigg Riding School, Kendal, had a canker in her hoof that was so bad that vets could not save her and she was going to be shot.

However Andrew Allshorn, from Cark company 3D Squared, came to the rescue by using a custom 3D printed plate to seal the hoof and prevent it from getting re-infected.

Canker is a serious infection of the horn of the foot that can usually be treated by removing the infected tissue and then packing the hoof with sterile gauze fixed with duct tape.

However, despite her owners spending thousands of pounds on vetinary bills, Freda's canker would not go away because the duct tape would keep falling off and the poorly horse had been suffering from it for a while.

Andrew had been working on another project when his friend from the riding school told him about the horse. He decided to help Freda out, only charging the riding school for the cost of the materials.

He said he did it for the challenge but admitted that there was some anxiety.

"The owners said that if you can't fix it, it is getting shot so no pressure," he said.

"We put her foot in a hole in a piece of cardboard and sent the measurements off to the printer. I made a rubber shoe for her, it was then nailed onto the horse's foot."

Readers praised Andrew for his life saving actions.

Barbara Broadhead said: “What a great idea and a wonderful outcome - especially for Freda!”

Sharon Denton said: “Lovely outcome for the horses, love shire horses.”

Kayleigh Bruce said: “Thank you Andrew for helping to heal Freda’s hoof, saving her from being put to sleep.”

Susan Riley said: “Good man.”

Evelyn Wood said: “Wonderful.”

Tom Dockerty said: “Lovely outcome.”

Marcia Hume said: “Thank you.”