PHOTOS appear to show water flowing over the flood prevention works near the Waterside flats. 

The photos, taken when the river Kent was high after heavy rain on September 5, show water gushing over the barriers installed by the Environment Agency (EA) last August. 

The project cost £76 million, and the EA said that it would improve flood protection for over 1,400 homes and 1,100 businesses. 

The flood prevention works were put in to avoid Kendal residents becoming the victims of another crisis similar to Storm Desmond back in 2015. 

The EA project has not been without controversy. Local activists have argued that it has caused permanent ecological damage to the River Kent. 

The Member of Parliament for Westmorland and Lonsdale Tim Farron has always been a firm defender of the barriers. He said he talked to the EA about the barrier, and that it is working as intended considering the stage of the project. 

He also said that other flood prevention schemes happening further up the river will help once completed and that the river now drains much faster. 

The Westmorland Gazette: Water flowing down the river over the flood barrier, and filling out to the banksWater flowing down the river over the flood barrier, and filling out to the banks (Image: David Harrison)

"I remember Storm Desmond, you saw Christmas trees and presents soggy and ruined on the front doors. People lost their jobs because businesses went down. 

"It gives people permission to sleep at night. Young children panic because they think it is going to happen again. It gives people that sense of calm that there is that protection. The mental health consequences of storm Desmond were almost more serious. I think over 5000 people had nowhere to live." 

Mr Farron argues that similar flood prevention schemes that were put in at Cockermouth and Keswick ten years ago worked. He feels confident that the EA can explain why water was flowing over the barrier.  

The EA has been approached for comment, an update will be given with the response.