THE Environment Agency (EA) is planning to put up new information boards in the Waterside area. 

The EA will put up these new boards to explain what the purpose of the flood-prevention works on the River Kent is and what will be protected. 

The top line says that the EA 'is delivering a proposed three-phase Flood Risk Management Scheme to better protect homes and businesses from flooding in the Kent catchment and improve the local riverside environment and community amenities.' 

The current structure at Waterside, is not a completed dam but a temporary bridge crossing that will 'aid the construction of the flood wall from the riverside.' 

The Westmorland Gazette: You may soon see this information board at WatersideYou may soon see this information board at Waterside (Image: Environment Agency)

It said that the completed flood wall at Waterside will be finished in natural stone cladding, and topped with stainless steel glass panels to retain riverside views. 

The Aynam Road flood defence construction, which earlier this year involved the controversial felling of trees, will run along the existing riverside footpath. 

This flood wall will also be finished in natural stone and feature glass panels. 

Flood gates in key locations will retain riverside access and only close during flood conditions. 

At the northern end of Aynam Road at Miller Fields, the flood wall will feature a 'Webster' railing design, similar to the historic railings at Miller Bridge.