A MEDICAL paper manufacturer has assured residents that no 'harmful' chemicals are used at its factory.

A resident of Beetham, near Milnthorpe, who prefers to remain anonymous, reported to The Westmorland Gazette a 'very loud, prolonged, hissing noise' emanating from the premises of Pelta Medical Papers at 4.45am on Sunday.

The resident said the day after 'there was a slight odour of what we took to be sulphur Dioxide'.

Company bosses said the noise was as a result of 'extra hours on our paper machine' and it shutting down. He added: "We would definitely not exhaust any gases."

The resident said: "It sounded like a high-pressure vessel had been punctured. 

"I live half a mile away and it woke me and my wife up. 

"We saw white smoke above the site. It could have been steam. 

"The hissing reduced but continued for some time, and today there was a slight odour of what we took to be Sulphur Dioxide on the boundary of the factory. 

"I believe this should be investigated. Was there an accident? Have the Health and Safety Executive been informed? Are any noxious or explosive chemicals used at Pelta?" 

According to its website, the company "manufactures premium kraft paper for packaging of medical devices, food packaging and industrial applications".

Tony Raven, from Pelta Medical Papers, was quick to reassure any concerned residents, and apologise for the disturbance.

"We did some extra hours on our paper machine that then shut down at that time on Sunday morning," he said.

"The hissing noise would be us exhausting excess steam that we need to do to shut down the machine.

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"The white smoke is only steam.

"I cannot explain the smell - we would definitely NOT exhaust any gases and certainly not Sulphur Dioxide.

"We very rarely shut down at this time and hopefully, this will not happen again.

"If it does, we will control the exhausting.

"Please extend our sincere apologies to all residents and please pass on our reassurances that nothing was released that was harmful."