TWO presenters from This Morning took a trip up north to do a segment on the Settle to Carlisle railway. 

ITV stars Alison Hammond and Josie Gibson filmed the shoot on the line back in November. Alison pushed a catering trolley through the carriage and Josie manned the tannoy. 

The line, which runs over the famous Ribblehead Viaduct, is run by Northern in partnership with the Settle to Carlisle Railway Development Company (SCRDC).

It has a unique status in the Northern network in that it is not a heritage line but it functions as a tourist route due to the history associated with it and the beauty of the landscape it runs through. SCRDC promotes and maintains the line as a tourist route while Northern takes care of normal operations.  

The Westmorland Gazette: Susie taking a selfie with one of the camera crew Susie taking a selfie with one of the camera crew (Image: Carlisle to Settle Railway Development Company)

Susie Payne, who is in charge of operations for SCRDC, said: "I think they were promoting the railway line on a programme that they were doing. They were great fun, I got on with Josie. She got on the tannoy and did some talking to the customers. 

"The programme that they are doing is about them having fun. It was our turn to feature."

When asked if having Alison and Josie up was good for the line, Susie said: "Absolutely. Especially in the winter, it is such a quiet time because we are essentially a tourism line, people come in the summer. For them to promote it in winter is wonderful for us."

Susie said the line was worth visiting in the winter as the snow makes the scenery it goes through even more stunning. She also said that as SCRDC is a local company, it can hire staff from the area. 

Alison became a presenter on This Morning in 2002 after appearing on the third series of Big Brother. 

Josie has been a regular segment presenter on This Morning since 2019 after also appearing on Big Brother.