Bolton le Sands Horticultural Society's Annual Grand General Knowledge Quiz was held at the community centre.

The quiz hosts were pleased with how many people attended this year considering the previous years have been stymied by the pandemic.

In the end, there were a record 25 teams, with plenty of new teams joining in the fun. The hosts declared the evening 'a great success.' 

The quiz master was David Regan, the president of the Horticultural Society. Question rounds included natural history, gardening, sport, transport, musical theatre, the 1970s, 1990s and ‘people with birds in their names.' 

1st and 2nd prizes were donated by Bay View Garden Centre. This year's winning team was ‘Roger Smellie’ and the runner-up was ‘Drivers’.

The society wished to thank scorers Barbara Bainbridge & Ian Hutton, answer collectors Den Hack & Robert Scott, tea brewers Brenda Muir & Trevor Piearce and Colin Hargreaves on Raffle.