THE management and administration of a large number of allotments will be transferred to Carnforth Town Council from a volunteer committee. 

The Town Council has held the freehold of Carnforth Highfield allotments since its transfer from Lancaster City Council a decade ago. 

The administration and day-to-day management of the allotments has, however, been in the hands of a volunteer Allotments Committee.

After several months of discussion with the Allotments Committee, it was resolved unanimously at their recent Annual General Meeting that the Town Council should now resume responsibility with a volunteer ‘friends group’ being formed to allow allotment holders to continue to have a collective voice and come up with ideas for improvements to the allotments.

Carnforth Town Council commissioned a professional survey of the allotments in August 2022 which has created an accurate record of the size of each plot on the site.

This has helped to remove the previous method of charging rents based on the system where plots are measured in perches with a simpler charge for each square metre occupied now in place.

Deputy town mayor councillor Jim Grisenthwaite said: "It is the Town Council’s firm intention and ambition to protect and develop the allotments for the benefit of the whole community. We want to encourage allotment holders, old and young, to take a pride in their plots and to pass their skills to others."