KENDAL Town Council, with support from local volunteers, has created three new wildflower areas at an historic open space.

The volunteer team will see their efforts rewarded when native wildflowers including Ragged Robin, Birds Foot Trefoil and Lady's Bed Straw start to flower at Kendal Green in June.

Temporary signs have been installed while the flowers are growing to inform users that wildflowers will be arriving soon.

The Town Council has funded the project via its dedicated biodiversity budget which is committed to increasing the biodiversity of Kendal's green spaces.

Town councillor, Kate Simpson, who instigated the project, hopes many more wildflower areas will be created. 

She said: "I hope it encourages more local groups to get in touch with the town council, to apply for a biodiversity grant to help enhance more of our green spaces".

The initiative was supported by grounds maintenance contractor Continental Landscapes Ltd, and by Westmorland and Furness Council, who own the land at Kendal Green.