A UKRAINIAN lullaby, sung in Ukrainian, was the 'highlight' at a concert in a town centre's chapel.

Endmoor Community Choir performed a concert on March 30 at the Unitarian Chapel in Kendal. 

The choir, led by soprano Emily Robinson, sang an eclectic group of songs to an enthusiastic audience including the performance of an Ukranian Lullaby called "The Dream Passes by the Windows."

The Westmorland Gazette: The choir performing at the Unitarian Chapel.The choir performing at the Unitarian Chapel. (Image: Submitted)

Roger Gorman, the Endmoor correspondent for The Westmorland Gazette and a member of the choir, said: "It was quite emotional singing in Ukranian because of the situation the country is facing. 

"The words of the lullaby were written phonetically so we could sing them."

READ MORE: Kendal Unitarian Chapel ceiling collapses close to worshippers

A bucket collection raised £125 for the Chapel roof appeal.

On November 6, Churchgoers attending the morning service at Kendal Unitarian Chapel on Sunday watched on in horror as a chunk of the ornate pink ceiling in the Grade II Listed Schoolroom building began visibly falling away above their heads.

The building is out of bounds due to safety and faces a lengthy, costly repair.

The choir rehearses every Thursday from 7pm until 8:45pm at St Patrick’s CE School in Endmoor. 

New members are welcome after the Easter break on Thursday April 20 and the first session is free.