VOTERS will go to the polls next week in a number of parish and town council elections.

There is also a by-election for the vacant Old Barrow and Hindpool seat on Westmorland and Furness Council following the death of Cllr Ann Thomson in January.

The elections will be for:

  • Barrow Parish Council - All 11 wards will be contested
  • Penrith Town Council - Penrith North, South and West
  • Asby Parish Council
  • Crosby Ravensworth Parish Council
  • Kirkby Stephen Parish Council
  • Matterdale Parish Council
  • Musgrave Parish Council

People in other parishes of the South Lakeland area, as well as Askam, Ireleth, Dalton with Newton and Lindal and Marton in the Barrow area, will not need to attend polling stations because all elections schelduled for May 4 have been uncontested following the close of nominations.

Sam Plum, chief executive of Westmorland and Furness Council and returning officer for the local elections, has appealed for people to respect polling station staff and to understand that the request for appropriate photo ID is now a legal requirement.

She said: “This is a new requirement that has been introduced and we recognise that not everyone will be happy with the new rule.

“But please respect our staff at the polling station and remember that under the new legislation, they have to ask to see an appropriate form of photo ID to allow you to cast your vote.

“Our staff have had extra training and know what are the acceptable forms of ID under the new system. Polling station staff don’t have any discretion in this matter.

“Please respect their right to request to see your ID before allowing you to vote and please respect their decision if they consider you do not have the correct ID and are therefore not entitled to vote on this occasion.

“We will not tolerate any abusive behaviour directed towards our staff and will not hesitate to contact police if there are any issues.’’

Accepted forms of ID include an passport or drivers' licence and some concessionary travel passes. You can use expired ID if recognsible from the photo.

Full list of candiates here: