MEMBERS of Cave Rescue Organisation were set for a busy weekend as they provided safety cover for a gruelling annual race in the Yorkshire Dales.

The Three Peaks Race, held on Saturday, April 29, is known as one of the toughest events in the running calendar, covering over 24 miles with over 5,000 feet of ascent as 699 competitors attempted to traverse the summits of Pen y Ghent, Whernside, and Ingleborough.

This year, the 68th edition of the 'Marathon with Mountains', saw teams from Cave Rescue Organisation come to the aid of two stricken runners as they encountered trouble on the demanding route.

The two calls came in quick succession – the first incident happening at 10.57am.

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As one of the crews returned to the start and finish line in Horton, having delivered team members to stand by at Whernside, two members saw a cyclist almost take a bend in the road and land over a wall near Selside.

Being in a vehicle marked 'Ambulance', they stopped to see whether they could help.

After consultation, they loaded the bicycle and helped the cyclist into the vehicle, taking him to Horton.

A team member who is a paramedic assessed them before the cyclist was taken to his own car with a recommendation to have his suspected rib injury investigated more closely at a hospital.

The second incident happened at ten past eleven - close to the top of Pen y Ghent, the first peak to be tackled.

Two team members were stationed on the summit, when a runner tripped on the last part of the ascent, having run up Horton Scar Lane

When he fell forwards, he put an arm out to arrest the fall and, in doing so, dislocated a shoulder.

The two team members stationed on the summit were alerted and descended the short distance to the casualty.

They assisted him, carefully, down to the top of Horton Scar Lane where they were met by other members of the team.

With his shoulder immobilised and supported, the injured runner was driven down to Horton and handed over to the event medical team.