PLANS to rebuild and upgrade a petrol station to the south of Kendal have been submitted.

The current buildings and fuel pumps at Prizet filling station northbound, situated along the A591, would be demolished as part of the scheme. The proposals do not incorporate the Travelodge at the site.

The new facility that would be built would feature a larger sales building and six electric vehicle charging bays. An existing storage building would not be replaced. 

The rebuilt filling station would have eight pumps – the same number as currently – and, also like the present facility, a space for jet washing. 

A transport statement submitted by Bellamy Roberts in support of the plan says the new site would have seven parking spaces, including one disabled space, and two staff parking spaces. This is in comparison to the total of three parking spaces that the application form says the filling station currently has.

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"All trips accessing the site will be diverted or pass-by trips and not new trips on the network," says the transport statement. 

"The proposed redevelopment of the site will therefore not increase the number of vehicle movements on the local network and, as such, the scheme will not have a detrimental impact on the local highway network."

The application has been submitted to Westmorland and Furness Council by Motor Fuel Ltd.