A WOMAN has pleaded guilty to stealing alcohol and meat.

Vicky Bryan, of Town View Fields Hostel, Kendal, is charged with twelve separate counts of theft from a shop.

They are:

  • On April 18, stole seven bottles of gin, three bottles of whiskey and five bottles of vodka to the value of £435.50 from Booths Kendal
  • On April 23, stole one bottle of whiskey and three bottles of vodka to the value of £96.50 from Booths Kendal
  • On April 28, stole four bottles of whiskey and two bottles of gin to the value of £223 from Booths Kendal
  • On May 3, stole three bottles of vodka and two bottles of gin to the value of £117.50 from Booths Kendal
  • On November 27, 2022, in Barrow, stole meat to the value of £312.64 from Aldi
  • On May 1, stole one bottle of whiskey, one bottle of Baileys and five bottles of gin to the value of £181.25 from Booths Kendal
  • On May 6, stole 10 bottles of gin and three bottles of Bacardi rum to the value of £397.15 from Booths Kendal
  • On November 24, 2022, in Barrow, stole meat to the value of £275.22 from Aldi
  • On April 16, stole two bottles of gin, three bottles of whiskey, four bottles of vodka, three bottles of Southern Comfort and two bottles of Bacardi rum to the value of £341.75 from Booths Kendal
  • On April 24, stole five bottles of whiskey, one bottle of vodka, one bottle of Bacardi rum and seven bottles of gin to the value of £344.45 from Booths Kendal
  • On May 7, stole seven bottles of whiskey and three bottles of vodka to the value of £333.50 from Booths Kendal
  • On May 8, stole three bottles of whiskey and five bottles of gin to the value of £240 from Booths Kendal


The 42-year-old was remanded on conditional bail ahead of her next appearance at magistrates court on May 24 for a pre-sentence report.

She must not enter Booths in Kendal or Barrow Aldi.