CUMBRIA Wildlife Trust has received a large amount of money to repair 15 hectares of damaged peatlands at Burns Beck Nature Reserve near Sedbergh.

The trust received £300,000 from National Highways to repair the important wetland site. The funds are part of the Network for Nature programme and will be used to restore this wild site off the M6 near Killington to a functioning bog, which can efficiently lock away carbon. 

As part of the restoration, work will start on re-naturalising or re-meandering a beck on the nature reserve, which had been straightened artificially in the past before Cumbria Wildlife Trust acquired the site. Restoration will enable water from the beck to spill out once more across sections of its floodplain, helping to rewet the landscape.

David Harpley, director of nature recovery at Cumbria Wildlife Trust, said: "We’re delighted to receive this funding from National Highways to help us restore damaged peat bogs at Burns Beck Moss.

"The site was damaged historically through peat cutting and attempts to drain the site by straightening and deepening the beck and later digging a network of drains.

"This was done to prepare for tree planting, which was never carried out. 

“We need to repair the damaged areas of this site by restoring the river course, raising the water levels and removing scrub which is damaging the bog. If we don’t restore the site, the bog will leak the carbon that it had locked away back into our atmosphere.”

READ MORE: RSPB and Greenpeace report of three illegal peatland burns

Cumbria Wildlife Trust plans to restore Burns Beck Moss Nature Reserve to a bog teeming with wildlife. It will be protected from trampling underfoot by a newly upgraded boardwalk and information panels will tell visitors about this special site and the rich wildlife to be found there.

Mr Harpley continued: “Healthy peatlands are vital for humans. 70% of our drinking water comes from upland areas dominated by peatlands. They help slow the flow of rainfall in storm events, reducing the risk of flooding and are wonderful places for wildlife, from roe deer, hare, heron and snipe to tawny owl and reed bunting.

"Importantly, healthy peatlands are able to store CO2 and stop carbon being released into the atmosphere.

"Restoring wild places like these is now incredibly urgent as we begin to see the changes that the climate crisis is having on the natural world. The cool wet climate of northern Britain makes Cumbria a key stronghold for these vital peatland habitats and we are on the frontline of efforts to restore and protect them.”