Three men from Kendal pushed themselves to walk over 100 miles in May to raise money for Prostate Cancer Research.

64-year-old Gary Gould, along with Mike Thompson and Andy Mildwater, took on the challenge individually as a cause close to their hearts.

The project overall has raised over £51,000 to go towards work into reducing side-effects, cutting treatment costs and ultimately improving outcomes. Gary alone walked 130 miles in May and has raised over £1,705 so far. 

The retired postman said: "I'm going to keep walking and I'm still accepting donations as I'd like to reach £2,000. You're encouraged to walk 3.5 miles a day however I've walked six miles a day so I can take it easier in the last week.

The Westmorland Gazette: Andy Mildwater took on the challenge to try and raise money to develop a definitive test for

"A lot of the men in the challenge have had a diagnosis or are still getting treatment. It can be a struggle and the side effects from hormone injections, radiotherapy and weight gain make it more difficult.

"I was diagnosed three years ago but thankfully it was caught early. I had 20 days of treatment which managed to shrink it. I still have to have regular PSA blood tests but so far so good.

"It's about raising awareness, getting men to talk about it and visit the doctor. Sometimes GPs can be dismissive but it's important to carry on.

"Many think it's the death sentence after a diagnosis but I'm proof that it's not - it's about catching it early before it spreads."

Mike was diagnosed earlier this year and raised £1,111 walking 116 miles with his dog, Harley, and family and friends.

He said: "One in eight men will be diagnosed so we need to raise awareness and help fund research to beat this disease. I've loved putting in the miles and am grateful for all the generous donations."

The Westmorland Gazette: Mike Thompson and his dog Harvey

Andy feels current research is underfunded. His wife's dad died following complications from having his bladder removed because of prostate cancer. 

"One problem is that there's no definitive test until the cancer is present and often well advanced," he added. "Hopefully money raised will help develop a test."

There can be early symptoms of prostate cancer however for many, the disesase is silent which is why screening is so important. 

To donate, please visit the Just Giving page. If there are any problems please visit the 100 miles Facebook page as Gary can add donations