A RESIDENTIAL care home is piloting futuristic AI technology that can detect, predict and prevent falls.

The technology also eliminates the risk of life-threatening long lies where a person falls, typically during the night, and can remain on the floor for an extended period.

Part of a pilot, the technology is being trialed at Hartland House in Milnthorpe, which is managed by the Abbeyfield Lakeland Extra Care Society, part of the worldwide Abbeyfield group.

It involves the installation of intelligent AI-powered Nobi smart lamps in residents’ bedrooms.

If a resident falls, the smart lamp detects this immediately and speaks to the resident, asking if they are okay.

In the event of no response or a call for help, the intelligent lamp is pre-programmed to send an alert to the care team plus a computer-generated outline image to show where and how the fall has occurred.

As well as ensuring no-one is left on the floor following a fall, the lamp also helps to prevent falls from occurring.

When a resident sits upright in bed at night the lamp will shine soft light upwards to gently illuminate the room, and if they then stand up to go to the bathroom, for example, the smart lamp will illuminate the entire room.

The AI technology built into the Nobi smart lamp is even able to predict certain falls. Changes in walking pace, length of stride and even the resident’s posture when sitting will be detected and can be used to alert caregivers of a potential risk.

The pilot is being funded by NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB), which organises health and care services across the region.

Asim Patel, chief digital officer at NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB, said: "Falls are the biggest reason for hospital admissions in our region and this puts huge pressure on care staff and the NHS.

"Piloting this new type of technology is really exciting because not only could it reduce hospital admissions significantly, but it could prevent some of our more vulnerable older people from seriously injuring themselves when they fall."

Tim Farron said: "This is a ground breaking innovation which hopefully could bring peace of mind to the families who are worried about their loved one having a fall and nobody being there to immediately help them.

"This also has the real potential to support the brilliant and busy care staff at Hartland House by freeing up their time and giving them peace of mind too."