A MAN who banged on the door of a town centre pub in the middle of the night has been convicted of being drunk and disorderly.

South Cumbria Magistrates' Court heard how Daniel Carruthers was seen banging on the door of Kendal's Ye Olde Fleece Inn at around 6am on June 4.

Prosecutor Lee Dacre said the 35-year-old defendant was visiting the town from Morecambe for a night out.

The court heard Carruthers had been trying to sleep at his cousin's address in Kendal but could not get in.

Dealing with the incident, police allowed him to come to the police station front desk to keep warm but he refused, the court was told.

He was later seen kicking the door of Kendal's Oxfam shop nearby.

Carruthers, of Morecambe's Balmoral Road, admitted the offence but did not attend court.

The court heard he had 11 previous convictions on his record for 19 different offences.

Magistrates fined him £40 for the offence and ordered him to pay a £16 victim surcharge and £85 in costs.