A three-year-old Burmese cat has made a miraculous recovery five months on after being hit by a car.

Distraught owner Ngairi Mettam feared for the worst when she took her cat Kito to the local vets.

They told her they could either put Kito down or refer him to Linnaeus-owned Kentdale Referrals - a specialist-led hospital in Milnthorpe.

Mrs Mettam was extremely concerned but opted for the latter.


The Westmorland Gazette:


Graham Hayes, a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Specialist in small animal surgery at Kentdale, performed surgery on Kito after X-Rays and tests revealed he had suffered head injuries, multiple fractures of the pelvis and ligament damage. 

Toby Gemmill, managing director at Kentdale, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and a European small animal surgery speciailst, explained: "An external fixator was used to immobilise the hock joint and to allow it time to heal, and bone plates and screws were used to stabilise the pelvic fractures. 

"Surgery went well and good healing of the pelvis was seen at the post-operative check six weeks after surgery.

"Kito had a long course of rehabilitation care from our expert veterinary physiotherapist Emma Woof and was signed off four-and-a-half months after his accident.

"He's now able to go outside and complete his normal routine with no discomfort."

Five months later, Mrs Mettam,  from Keasden, North Yorkshire, is delighted with Kito's progress and is full of praise for the veterinary team at Kentdale.

She said: "Kito seems happy in himself. He has not regained full feeling in his injured leg due to his nerve injury and it is a little thinner than the good leg, but it doesn't stop him from leading a full and active life.

"I believe he got the best possible care at Kentdale and the team, including receptionists, physio, vets and nurses, were all very supportive. I would definitely recommend them, I couldn’t fault them at all.”