A DASH of Hollywood stardom was sprinkled on a theatre production in the Lake District.

Staff at the World of Beatrix Potter and The Old Laundry Theatre in Bowness were delighted to see Ewan McGregor walk through the doors. 

The film star enjoyed Happy Birthday Peter Rabbit with his family at the Old Laundry Theatre, picked up a few Peter Rabbit souvenirs in the gift shop and had a slice of cake and a pot of Lakeland Tea in the cafe. 

No other visitors recognised him, meaning that he got to enjoy 'a thoroughly relaxed visit', according to staff from the attraction and the theatre. He was seen 'dancing and singing' out of the theatre after the show ended. 

The Westmorland Gazette: Talented puppeteers control the characters in the theatre productionTalented puppeteers control the characters in the theatre production (Image: Steve Barber)

Ewan is not the first celebrity to visit. In recent years Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, Russell Brand, Coleen Rooney, Gary Kemp, Warwick Davis, Griff Rhys Jones, Dan Snow, Bill Bailey and many more have walked through its doors. 

The late Alan Rickman and Victoria Wood were trustees of the theatre. 

READ MORE: Happy Birthday Peter Rabbit premieres in Bowness

Marketing manager Sarah Melhuish said: "Millions of people worldwide of all nationalities and generations have made the pilgrimage to Bowness to experience a little piece of Beatrix Potter magic at the Attraction. 

"When we get a visit from an A-list celebrity it is very exciting and means we can share on an even wider platform what a fantastic and unique experience we offer – and based on how much Ewan McGregor enjoyed his visit – dancing and singing his way out of the show – we’re sure lots of his fans will want to visit too."

The Westmorland Gazette: Jemima on stage at The Old LaundryJemima on stage at The Old Laundry (Image: Steve Barber)

Happy Birthday Peter Rabbit premiered at the Old Laundry Theatre on June 18, 2022. It ran last summer and returned this year to the theatre. 

The musical is by Roger Glossop with lyrics by Alan Ayckbourn and music by Richard Reeday. 

The show is aimed at families and will feature songs including an anthem for Peter Rabbit himself. The production is a combination of live performances, songs, staging and puppets that stay faithful to Beatrix Potter's original illustrations. 

The Westmorland Gazette: The production started in June 2022 to celebrate the 120-year anniversary of the first Peter Rabbit storyThe production started in June 2022 to celebrate the 120-year anniversary of the first Peter Rabbit story (Image: Steve Barber)

It is called Happy Birthday Peter Rabbit because it marked the 120-year anniversary of the character. The Tale of Peter Rabbit was published by Beatrix Potter in 1902. 

Ewan McGregor played Norman Warne in the 2006 film Miss Potter, which was about Beatrix Potter's life.