Kendal-based artist Bob Henfrey has launched an online gallery featuring artwork inspired by the ongoing construction of a multi-million-pound flood protection scheme.

The virtual walking art gallery which is part of an online map guide for the Kendal Flood Risk Management Scheme will be available in time for the August bank holiday.

The online map links the locations along the River Kent where work is taking place with Bob's watercolour depictions of the project.

The Westmorland Gazette:

He said: “I’ve sketched a lot around Kendal. I’ve created about 150 sketch books over the years and worked in a variety of media.

“The riverside work, I feel, offers a great opportunity for artists to get out and record what happens.

“I began my work in November 2021. Since then, I’ve recorded little bits and pieces.

“This is once in a generation event for Kendal.

"I thought it would offer a great chance to create some work and it is really relevant for the people of Kendal. And events in general.

“I’ve not seen any other artists out there, but I would like to be the first who records it.”

As part of a personal project, he has created over a dozen sketches, sharing these with the Environment Agency, which is showcasing them on their website.

The virtual art gallery offers a unique snapshot into the creation of the scheme set to protect over 1,400 homes and 1,100 businesses in Kendal and beyond, when completed.

This online exploration of art and engineering will be available just in time for the August bank holiday, offering residents and visitors a distinctive perspective of the significant government-funded civil engineering project.

Environment Agency Project Manager for the Kendal scheme, Alex Cowin said: “Bob’s work is capturing a significant moment in Kendal’s history.

"His watercolours accurately depict the work which goes into delivering a major engineering project and also the environmental and social benefits which are part of the Kendal scheme.

“The Virtual Art gallery allows people to view his work from anywhere in the world, and the online map provides people with the vantage points which inspired the artist.

“Visiting Kendal now provides a unique opportunity to see the engineering which goes into constructing a flood scheme that will better protect people and businesses in Kendal and the Kent catchment.

"Bob’s work in the Virtual Art Gallery provides a historic record of what has been achieved.”

The Virtual Art Gallery is available from the Kendal Flood Hub, VolkerStevin App and via this link: