Almost a million more people across the country have become eligible for a Shingles vaccination from the NHS.

The move was announced in July this year, with it coming into practice from today (September 1).

The Shringrix vaccine is now available to severely immunocompromised individuals aged over 50, with the barrier previously being over 70.

Those turning 65 and 70 are also now eligible.

The move was made on the recommendation of the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) after trials showed that the vaccine was safe for this expanded age group.

Whilst Shingles can occur at any age, the risk and severity of the virus increase with age.

At least nine in 10 adults are already infected with the virus that causes Shingles, with one in four going on to develop it in their lifetime.

Those eligible should have been contacted by their GP, though appointments can be made.