HERE is the weather forecast for the next week in Kendal.

The weather forecast for the week ahead is bringing heavy and thundery showers into next week for Kendal, the Met Office shows. 

Feeling fresher into Monday and Tuesday although remaining unsettled and turning breezier.

After Wednesday September 20 it is likely to be a predominantly unsettled period, with low pressure likely to persist across much of the UK, especially in the north. 

Atlantic influences are likely to continue, with the first couple of days seeing an overall showery regime, accompanied by bands of cloud and spells of rain, sometimes prolonged, for most areas.

Temperatures are likely to be near average through most of the period, but perhaps initially warm in the southeast.

This theme is expected to continue through the rest of the period, as low pressure will probably shift to the northeast of the UK, causing spells of rain and showers in most places, with the north and west likely seeing the wettest conditions. Generally windy, with risk of coastal gales at times, especially in the north.

Weather temperature for Kendal:

Sunday - 19

Monday - 16 

Tuesday - 15 

Wednesday - 17

Thursday - 15

Friday - 15