An athletics club in South Lakeland has called on the council to consider the construction of an athletics facility in the area.  

Kendal Amateur Athletic Club is asking Westmorland and Furness Council today at the County Hall to include an athletics facility in the new local plan.  

Chair of Kendal Amateur Athletic Club, Margaret Belk, 71, said: “A new facility is what this area deserves, due to the good level of athletics and the potential for better is just huge given the right facilities.  

The club are asking to be included in the new local plan so if money were available to construct a facility, this could go ahead without delay.  

Local plans are published by the council and help decide planning applications as well as shaping development in the area.  

The club currently train at Queen Katherine School, which the club say is the best facility in the area however there is a lack of shelter, and it is not lit, so the club has purchased some small floodlights which coaches operate.  

Mrs Belk added that athletes from the area which compete at a higher standard often have to travel long distances to access facilities for training particularly those competing in field events such as long jump and javelin.  

She said that this makes competing at a higher standard more expensive with only those with access to transport able to do so.