A brand new charity shop for Bay Search and Rescue is set to be opened by the Mayor of Kendal tomorrow (September 23).

The third store will run alongside the charity's other stores in Grange and Milnthorpe and will be opened at 11am by Councillor Julia Dunlop.

Located at 59 Highgate, its opening hours will be between 11am-4pm Monday to Saturday and  volunteers are needed to help with donations and people are needed to work on the till.

Bay search and Rescue is an independent rescue charity and a local quicksand, flood and snow rescue. The volunteer service supports all the emergency services in Cumbria and north Lancashire and, when required, offers specialist skills and equipment.  

The team of 15 operational volunteers are on call 365 days a year 24 hours a day.

Team member Abigail said: "We're very excited to be in Kendal as quite a few of our members are from Kendal. We're quite different to other charity shops in that we're not a national chain and very much a local charity helping local people.

"People remember our help through the likes of Storm Desmond and Beast from the Beast. We've helped with missing persons, sand rescues and the funds raised from the charity shop go towards our equipment, variety of vehicles, our qualifications and training.

"We can't wait to welcome people tomorrow and show them the new shop."

For more information about the new Bay Search and Rescue Kendal shop, please visit the Facebook page.